
Friday, April 11, 2014


Choices, we all have them but sometimes it's not our choices that cause us pain and complete life altering changes.
          I spent the better part of the last 10 years feeling like my daddy's choice to commit suicide and leave his entire family here with questions that none of us can answer, questions like, Why?, Weren't we important at all?, What about your grandchildren and great-grandchildren?, was all my fault, what if I had been there more, What if I could have said the right thing.  Recently during some much needed alone time with God, when I asked him Why? Why did my daddy leave? Was it my fault? Could I have some how prevented this if I had been there more?  He responded with this, It's not your fault, sometimes it's not your own choices that affect you, and it's nothing that you yourself chose, but you just happened to be part of someone else choice.

        Another example of this is as parents we are here to help guide our children, and we try to show them the best choices to make, sometimes we miss that altogether because being a parent does not mean that you are perfect and have all the right answers, but there comes a time when as a parent we have to let go and allow our children to make their own choices, whether good or bad, and sometimes it hurts to see the choices they make especially when we know they are headed for disaster.

We all have choices to make in life and whether we are on the giving or receiving end of that our choice most of the time don't just affect us.

The most important choice that Jesus gave us is whether or not to accept him as our Lord and Savior. And I know he is heart broken when we turn away from him and choose not to accept him. However he gave us a choice, and so he must allow us to choose no matter the pain it cost him.

My prayer is that if you don't know Jesus you choose him today, and allow him to be first in your life. If you are faced with choices and you aren't sure which way to go, Jesus and only Jesus knows the past, present, and future and knows what is best for all that are involved in the choice, allow him to have control of your life and listen to his direction.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Daily Devotion 4/4/14

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5) Bible Verse of the Day